\we rule
This week has been a real doozy. From Monday, to Wednesday, to Thursday and Friday... It was so long, and I'm not too anxious for another week of school to start.
Here we go!
WHAT have I learned this week?
I've learned that puppet animation can be really tricky, but I got the gist of it.
SOMETHING that made me happy this week?
-I restarted my Pokemon Heart Gold version, so I'm looking forward to continuing my adventure in that, I chose TOTODILE...
-I heard a lot of cool (new to me) music.
SOMETHING that made me angry this week?
-Couldn't spell frustrated to save my life about 20 seconds ago.
-I didn't use my time wisely and I wasted a large portion of class time to finish my 2D Short storyboard, which caused me to not finish the puppet animation in time.
SOMETHING I look forward to learning?
I don't look forward to learning at all...
..., but something I look forward to doing is 3D animation, I bet there will be tons of fun and less doozies to be had.
For my link of interest I will link..HOT SHOTS GOLF 3!!! (In game intro)
This probably... no, it is THE BEST PS2 EXCLUSIVE EVER. Relax it's fine, Sly Cooper is not PS2 exclusive, it's for the PS3 as well as the PS2.
That Hot Shots Golf game looks pretty good especially comparing it to Wii Sports! I also look forward to 3D animation as it seems to be pretty important for game development purposes.