Sunday, October 5, 2014

Grand Theft Auto guy talks about stuff...

Ian Bowden is this one guy who was like a real good game art director for Rockstar, until he went into mobile games.

Bowden shared tips for artists on how to make stuff good.
He told us to always carry around a sketch book so you can draw things that may pop into your head or your surroundings. Also to experiment with new ideas, 'cause you know, the same old thing gets old...
He also says to watch for trends, but at the same time stay original, that sounds like advice that every person gets at one point. His final tip was to be humble and be ready to accept the fact that there will always be someone better than you.

My opinion on this article was heavily influenced by the fact that Bowden helped with GTA. For whatever reason when I was reading his comments that he was saying them in a positive kind of way, hopefully you understand the idea that I was trying to convey. I feel like these tips were pretty generic, but that doesn't mean I thought that they were bad, usually the most popular advice is the best advice.

Movie mind control madness!!!!

The title of the post makes this seem a lot more interesting than it will be.

The article was about how scientists use eye motion capturing technology to see what parts of a movie people pay most attention to. The viewers seem to watch mostly the intense action parts of movie (big surprise). The article tells about how movie producers try and determine what part of the screen someone's eye is going to move to next and put the action there.

My opinion of this article is that it is common sense that people are going to look at the action parts of movies. I feel they didn't need to bring scientists in to know that people are looking at the giant cool looking explosion or the high speed chase. Also, knowing where the eye is looking doesn't really help movie makers keep people's attention, especially if the movie sucks... No one is going to watch it, even if it makes your eyes look certain places.

Weekly Comments Part 4

Where is part 3? ... Sorry I don't believe in 3.

A lot of negative talk about Communism, don't worry you will all see the truth soon enough.

What did I learn this week?
-For one, I learned how badly using key frames can wreck your animation.
-I also learned that things can take a long while to do, and even with a lot of time put in... It can still look absolutely terrible. (COUGH-balloon-COUGH)

What do I hope to learn in the near future?
-How to use key framing properly. I feel like that will make things go and look a lot smoother.

Something that made me frustrated this week.
-Everybody keeps hating on Communism.
-That stinkin' balloon...

Somethings that made me happy this week.
-I found out they're getting rid of the Mythbuster B team.
-I feel I did a nice job on the wave project

Link of interest...
It's a real good one today. It's the wonn.. wonderr... Incredible tale of Salad Fingers!
It may seem creepy at first, but you will love it, just like a jackrabbit loves a Billy's uncle.